Tension headache happen when the muscles of your scalp and neck become tense or constrict. The muscle contractions may be an immediate response to stressful stress, anxiety, depression, or even stress from your day. They are most frequent in middle-aged teens and adults, but can occur at any age. Headaches from tension can interfere with normal activities, causing drowsiness and irritability during the day.
Many people have symptoms for all four types of Tension Headaches. They feel a tightening sensation that starts in one place and moves downward, sometimes spreading to your jaw. Sometimes, there are numbness and tingling with the other symptoms of a tension headache. Sometimes, the headache symptoms do not relate to the head area at all and just feel like a vice around the neck or temple area. Often, the pain from the tension headache can worsen with certain activities such as sleeping.
Tension headaches are classified as mild, moderate, and severe. They all have four common symptoms that can occur at anytime: nausea, dizziness, a pounding or tightening feeling in either the head or neck area, and/or pain. When a tension headache is categorized as a migraine, it has five of the four known symptoms. In addition to the pain and the throbbing sensation, migraine headaches also can include nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, or smells. In addition, many migraine headaches will have a stiff neck and can cause double vision. View here for more details about tension headache.
The symptoms of a tension headache can often be confused with the symptoms of a migraine. This is why it is important to visit a doctor if you have had a history of migraines. Doctors are able to determine if you are experiencing a tension headache or migraine by looking at the shape and size of the headache, the throbbing pain and if it changes while you are in a lighted room. If you are experiencing more sever migraine headaches, than a visit to the doctor is recommended.
There are many ways to treat tension headaches, and some of these include over-the-counter medication and prescription medication. These can work for some people but others just want to avoid medication. There is no shortage of products available to relieve tension headache symptoms, and some of them include natural supplements. If you prefer not to take medicine or do not think that medicine is for you, there are still other ways to alleviate your headaches. You can do exercises that will strengthen your muscles in the neck area. You can also learn relaxation techniques and make sure you sleep in a dark, quiet room.
It is important that you make a trip to the doctor if you have persistent tension headaches, even if they are just tension headaches. Your doctor will help you find the reason for your headache and get rid of it for good. They can also test you for any underlying conditions that may be causing your chronic tension headaches. Tension headaches are very common, but the cause is unknown for most people. With a little research, you can find a cure for your tension headaches.
It's good to click on this site to learn more about the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tension_headache.