Cervical Gland Dizziness, otherwise known as cervicogenic dizziness, is an embarrassing and difficult to define diagnosis due to the fact that there is often no singular diagnostic test to definitively confirm it as the direct cause of your dizziness. However, it can often take some time for clinicians to systematically exclude other potential causes of dizziness prior to a definitive diagnosis of cervicalogenic dizziness being established. Often, a patient may have mild to severe neck pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or loss of consciousness. The diagnosis of this condition involves ruling out the presence of other serious conditions such as seizures, a brain tumor, or brain abscess, which can result in the same symptoms. This condition is difficult to diagnose because the exact cause has not been identified.
There are many theories about the causes of this condition, but a definitive cause has not been identified. Because of this, doctors treat cervicogenic dizziness with a variety of different medications. In addition, misdiagnosis due to incorrect patient documentation, unrecognized aphasia, and inappropriate referrals are also possible reasons. Misdiagnosis is particularly common in patients who are prescribed a combination of medications and dosages. For example, some patients may have low blood pressure or low blood sugar, which could lead to a determination of correct dosages. While these two conditions are routinely tested, incorrect doses of medications and incorrect drug or food allergies may lead to an incorrect medication regimen.
In order to differentiate cervicogenic dizziness caused by migraine headaches or sinus problems, and other types of neurological disorders, the clinician may perform additional tests such as MRI, echocardiogram, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A CT scan will provide more detailed images, but will be less specific in identifying specific problems. Blood tests may also be conducted to identify iron deficiency. If blood tests indicate iron deficiency, a biopsy of the lymph nodes in the neck will provide more specific information. In most cases, once symptoms are properly differentiated from other neurological disorders, it is much easier to correctly treat the patient. For more details about how to Diagnose Cervical Gland Suppression, click to read more here.
Vertigo and nausea can be mistaken for true vertigo. Although both symptoms are often caused by a change in the inner ear, patients with true vertigo may describe nausea, lightheadedness, or tingling sensations. When nausea is present along with dizziness, it usually means that another condition is plaguing the patient. This other condition is almost always associated with a change in the patient's inner ear. The usual treatment for dizziness caused by changes in the inner ear is eye drops that contain medicines that eliminate chemicals in the inner ear that causes vertigo.
Patients with cervicogenic dizziness also report very intense pain just below the eyes and in the back of the throat. The pain usually increases when the head leans forward, causing the patient to tilt his or her head. This tilt can also result in vomiting, which further irritates the patient's throat. A CT scan will help locate and confirm the presence of tumors or other abnormal growths that may be pressing against the spinal cord or the brain.
The doctor will then recommend surgery to remove these potentially problematic growths.
There are several factors that can contribute to this condition. Age, health, and genetics play a role, as does the potential for developing kidney disease or CWD in elders. Women who have carried a gene for CWD may also be at an increased risk of developing dizziness, even if they do not have this condition. High sensitivity to light has been identified as a potential risk factor for this condition in elderly patients. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/12/12/headache-causes_n_2287093.html.